194 research outputs found

    Putting Operational Techniques to the Test: A Syntactic Theory for Behavioral Verilog

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    AbstractWe present a syntactic theory for the behavioral subset of the Verilog Hardware Description Language. Due to the complexity of the language, the construction of this theory represents a serious test of the suitability of syntactic operational techniques for reasoning about industrial languages. Overall, we have found that these techniques are rather robust but with a few caveats. Our theory formalizes the simulation cycle explicitly, exposes a number of ambiguities and inconsistencies in the language reference manual (LRM), and is the most accurate known description of this subset of Verilog, with respect to the LRM. The syntactic theory has been used to automatically derive a simulator for Verilog

    A Type-Theoretic Foundation of Delimited Continuations

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    International audienceThere is a correspondence between classical logic and programming language calculi with first-class continuations. With the addition of control delimiters, the continuations become composable and the calculi become more expressive. We present a fine-grained analysis of control delimiters and formalise that their addition corresponds to the addition of a single dynamically-scoped variable modelling the special top-level continuation. From a type perspective, the dynamically-scoped variable requires effect annotations. In the presence of control, the dynamically-scoped variable can be interpreted in a purely functional way by applying a store-passing style. At the type level, the effect annotations are mapped within standard classical logic extended with the dual of implication, namely subtraction. A continuation-passing-style transformation of lambda-calculus with control and subtraction is defined. Combining the translations provides a decomposition of standard CPS transformations for delimited continuations. Incidentally, we also give a direct normalisation proof of the simply-typed lambda-calculus with control and subtraction
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